Title: Steam Beams
Date: 1979
Edition: Installation
Materials: 35mm photographic slides, slide projectors, projected light, steam
Size: Structure 1 x 1 x 1 M
Notes: Light from two projectors is intercepted by a column of steam which acts as a three-dimensional 'screen' to display (and construct) the 'physical' object/image.
Observers can interact with the piece by walking past it (or through it) so that their air currents cause the steam to move with a resulting change in the location of the lines of light.
Title: Pentrojection
Date: 1978
Edition: Installation
Materials: Wood, Perspex, smoke, 16mm film, projected light
Size: Structure 3 x 1 x 1 M
Production: Produced within an artist in residence program at the Museum of Holography, New York
Notes: An animated film of moving lines is projected across the installation space and is intercepted by the structure which contains smoke.
Viewers 'see' a three-dimensional construction in space which has no physical solidity.
A paper describing this work and its development is published in the Leonardo, Journal of Contemporary Visual Artists.