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Andrew Pepper

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Enough is Definitely Enough - Middlesbrough

Thursday, 05 November 2020 10:45 Published in Group Exhibitions

Pineapple Black, Middlesbrough, UK

The third and final stage in this curated exhibition where 61 contemporary artists have made new artworks in response to a postcard version of Velázquez’s masterpiece, Las Meninas for an exhibition which launched at General Practice in Lincoln during 2019. 

Enough is Definitely Enough - Middlesbrough

Thursday, 05 November 2020 10:36 Published in News

Enough is Definitely Enough moves to its final venue in Middlesbrough during September and October.

This is the final outing for the exhibition which features work from now 61 artists who all respond to an adapted postcard of Velázquez’s masterpiece, Las Meninas, arguably the most widely interpreted of all paintings.

Organised and curated by Andrew Bracey the show can be seen at Pineapple Black in Middlesbrough.

More details here



Andrew Pepper works with projected light, holography and installation.  Based in the UK,  he has exhibited his work in group and solo exhibitions internationally and, as a senior lecturer in fine art at Nottingham Trent University, he taught on the BA (Hons) fine art course, the Master of Fine Art course and has acted as a PhD examiner for a wide range of key project-based research submissions.


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